Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Kelly Scalera, Whither the Individual: I believe social networking sites are changing our society in a negative way. 

Response Thesis: I see how this social networking trend can cause adversity, however I also believe that today's social networking conformity has it's perks.


1 comment:

  1. doing ok so far..

    going into the second half you are at a high B / Low A

    Your blog posting on Digital Nation was satisfactory, but between you and me I think you could have taken it much further..

    Your production work is up to par, as I remember, you hadn't used photoshop before..

    For Blog Postings your average is around a 87 (B+)
    for production work a low A (like a 91)

    If you want to make an A for sure, then you just have to do work beyond the minimum requirements.. I know that you could probably make an A+ in all your classes, if you really put your mind to it.. Same with this class!
