Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Digital Nation Paper

The Mob.
What are the, perhaps, unintended effects unleashed by our connectedness? Does anonymity plus connectivity always equal misbehavior and cruelty? How are we to explain some of the collective anger that seems to be unleashed online - and is it a result of the same anger characterizing much of our society's discourse, or is it the cause?

At a first glance, online connectedness appears to be a wonderful thing, and it can be in many aspects. It’s amazing to be able to connect with long lost friends through Facebook, share pictures of special events with online photo albums, or to effortlessly collaborate online for a group project. In essence, online connectedness brings us together as people and puts us at a higher advantage, socially, than ever before. But with the good always comes the bad, and with online connectedness comes the vicious. While there are plenty of perks to social connectivity, there are also some unintended effects such as misbehavior, cruelty and anger.
As a college student, social connectivity has personally saved my life on numerous occasions. Group projects happen on a regular basis despite everyone’s entirely different schedules. It’s virtually impossible to coordinate a convenient time for everyone. Thus, being connected online makes group projects feasible, effective and much easier.  In this way, online connectivity is extremely beneficial.
The online world would not be the same without the aspect of anonymity. Anonymity allows many people to express their problems and seek help. Many people depend on anonymous online question and answer websites for true, uncensored resolutions to their problems. People can form strong connections and relationships with others online not only in the form of support but also intimately. In a study comparing self-disclosure online and face-to-face, McKenna and Seidman (2005) found that people shared more of their true selves online than face-to-face and liked an Internet partner more than a face-to-face partner. Computers can sometimes enhance the development of friendships, free of the usual constraints of the first reactions to physical appearance and personal mannerisms.  In this way, online connectedness can be a huge plus. But again, the aspect of anonymity can take a huge turn for the worse. Anyone can easily conceal, or feign their identity online. This is where some of the negative effects of online connectivity come into play.
Being connected with massive amounts of people online can be dangerous. Social networking such as Facebook, allows people to expose themselves to thousands of others that they may not necessarily know. Even with the privacy settings available, people can still retrieve personal information online. This opens up a field for predators and unethical behaviors online. Anonymity online allows people to act freely, uncensored, and inappropriately because they are not held responsible for their actions.
People also tend to use the Internet as a place to take out their anger and express their true opinions about others. Formspring is a new social networking site used to anonymously critique others. In other words, the website enables cowards to say demeaning things that they don’t have enough courage to say face to face. People are more courageous online because their name and dignity is not compromised. Anonymity, especially online, is like liquid courage. It makes people feel invincible and untouchable. Some people simply view the Internet as alternate reality where normal rules of decency fail to apply. Consequently, people act cruel and vindictive. Being connected with others online makes it even easier for the online bully to gang up against another because they have support behind them.
If you take a step outside of the online world, anger and cruelty prevails. I don’t necessarily feel that this anger is caused by online connectivity, but I think much of the anger that characterizes our society’s discourse is furthered online. The online realm is the perfect place for people to express their opinions on recent news and controversial issues. With the millions of people online, it’s easy to find someone who will agree and it’s even easier to start a heated debate, which plenty of people these days enjoy. All together there is an abundance of animosity that is unleashed online. There will always be people who chose to release their angers and insecurities online rather than taking advantage of the close connection to the world.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Web 2.0 Responses

Web 2.0

  1. Today many TV shows and advertisements try to look amateurish or "homegrown" to emulate what is often seen on the Web. Do you think professional production values will continue to drop, or do you think amateur user-generated content will get better over time? WHY??
    I think that amateur user-generated content will gradually get better and better because it's a topic of interest and more people are becoming hip to it every day. The resources and information will be more readily available as the popularity of the trend continues, and amateur user-generated content will inevitably improve. User generated content is a new and interesting trend that has definitely created a whole new side in the world of the media and is here to stay for many years to come. However, i do think the trend will die down and reach a plateau, allowing for well-produced media to take it's spotlight back. Amateur web-content is still in its early stages; technology will continue to improve and become more readily available. In the same respect, because amateur web-content is still in it's early stages i'm inclined to think that people will inevitably lose interest at some point, and popular media will take off in a different direction.

  2. What social media sites do you find yourself using the most, and why? In your opinion why is Facebook so much more successful than MySpace, and do you think Facebook is "here to stay" for the long term?

    The only social media site that I use is Facebook. I got hip to Facebook in High School even before it became so collassal, so i've seen it evolve from a simple social media into a social media monopoly, if you will. I think Facebook is more successful than myspace because of all the different features it has to offer. I think MySpace had the potential to be as successful as Facebook and would have really evolved  if Facebook didn't take over so suddenly. Facebook is more successful than MySpace because it has everything MySpace has to offer and more, it's like media darwinism. I think Facebook has transcended the term "trend" and is here to stay for the long term, mainly because it keeps people in touch from all over the world and that never gets old.

  3. Why is transparency such an important concept in the Social Media world? Is it MORE or LESS important in the offline world? Why?

    Since media transparency helps us determine why information is conveyed through various means, it is important because it gives us a sense of truth. We should know what the motives are behind the media. I think transparency is less important offline because the online world is so widely used and information is spread so rapidly.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Photoshop Project

My project conveys McLuhan's idea that "the Medium is the Message". This means that our society is shaped by the media that is currently taking place. I chose Video Chatting to demonstrate how a single medium can act as a message that independently influences and changes society. Video chatting brings a n entirely new meaning to the concept of long distance. Before video chat, long distance meant that you wouldn't be able to see or interact with the person for a long time. If you were lucky, you could make a long distance phone call for a brief and expensive few minutes. Or, if you were patient enough you could send a letter and wait weeks for it to finally arrive.
Video chat is a breakthrough that has hugely benefitted our society. As my project illustrates, some of the most important moments in life can now be captured and shared with others from all across the world (hence the international flags in the background). Now, the poor woman who is making a living in America can watch her daughter get married in Mexico even though she couldn't afford the flight.  The compassionate father who had to go to Africa on business doesn't have to miss his son's first time riding a bike. And although Grandma is dying in the hospital, she can still see her granddaughter blow out those 5 candles on her special day, now that's something worth living for. The photo of the happy couple represents the amount of long distance relationships that wouldn't exist without video chatting. Even school can be done via vid chat, but tape recorders were good while they lasted.
Overall, my project shows that the medium may simply be a video chat, but as McLuhan observed, that medium alone has the ability to send a message throughout society, leaving a profound effect. Thanks to video chatting we can be close even though we're far, and you don't have to miss a thing.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Photoshop Assignment: Set Up

Media Source: Video Chatting

Content: Voice and video calls throughout the world using Skype. Conference calls using 3 or more people, instant messaging, screen sharing. The iPhone 4- video calling, one tap Face Time, just one tap of a button and you can see the other person- high tech and simple.

Focus: How video chatting has affected us and helped take us to the technologically advanced place we are today. How video chatting has helped/harmed long distance communication and explore the pros and cons. Now, you don't even have to be on a computer to see your friend in California, all you need is your phone on the go. But what if the wifi connection is weak and you lose a very important call?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Three Current Mediums

Youtube becomes more widely used every day and is a huge way for people to express themselves through technology. Pop sensation Justin Bieber can attribute his fame to YouTube alone. Ultimately any message can be relayed through YouTube.
Digital Books 
An environmentally friendly breakthrough. This advancement is appealing to our modern society because it is green, efficient, and simple, and could even have the capacity to eliminate the original paper book one day.

Video Chatting
Video chatting in itself has paved it's way, and is definitely a hot technological advancement. People can see eachother and instantly communicate from different parts of the world. Now this technology has been reproduced even further, making video chatting  possible on the iPhone, no computer necesssary.